Garden Goals

Grow a garden you love in 10 minutes a day

Achieve your garden goals with your available time. Whether that’s filling it with beautiful plants, creating a colour explosion or creating a space buzzing with wildlife.

You are squeezed on time, you’re craving simplicity and confidence and a place to build your gardening habit without all the stress of guesswork and doing it alone.

I see you

  • You want more plants in your garden but you worry about how to keep them alive.

  • You’ve no idea what to plant and where to plant it and you don’t want to waste any more money!

  • You’re overwhelmed, transforming your garden feels too big and you don’t know where to start.

  • You’ve got very little time to garden and you want to make sure you’re using the time you do have to get where you want to go.

  • You want to know that what you’re doing is the right thing instead of second guessing yourself all the time.

  • You want to create a regular healthy habit instead of getting to the end of every day having taken zero time for you.

  • You want to enjoy your space but you lack the confidence, the skills and the knowledge and you’re looking for some support.

Being a green-fingered goddess is 100% possible for you.

Go from:

  • Procrastinating over where to start, to having the right plan in place to make your garden goals a reality.

  • Confused about what to plant and where to confidently designing borders and creating plant shopping lists.

  • Not knowing what to do and when, to having a tailor made care plan you can use for years to come.

  • Never feeling like you have enough time, to giving yourself permission to garden every day.

  • Feeling guilty for not tending to your to-do list, to gardening guilt-free to quiet your mind.

  • Scrolling on your phone as an unhealthy distraction, to having a healthy habit that helps you find headspace and lowers your stress levels.

You deserve all of this - and more.

Hello! I'm Kendall Platt, The Mindful Gardening Coach

  • Actually creating their dream garden

  • Feeling confident in their gardening skills to grow vegetables from seed for the first time

  • Cultivating their creativity to redesign their front garden.

  • Reduce their anxiety and stress levels.

  • Feeling more balanced and peaceful even when life gets tough

  • Sleeping better and having more energy.

  • Enjoying gardening instead of worrying about getting it wrong

  • Spending more time outdoors connecting with Mother Nature and themselves

  • Having somewhere to escape to, to feel free from the monotony of everyday life.

  • Feeling passionate, motivated and confident to go after what they want in life

  • Bringing more joy and fun into their life through their gardening adventures

I help women grow gorgeous gardens in 10 minutes a day as the antidote to burnout.

As a trained social and therapeutic horticultural practitioner, I’ve supported over 100 time-poor women to create the garden of their dreams through individual coaching, my group programme and in-person and online workshops and they’ve experienced incredible results:

Now its your turn

This is for you if:

  • ✅ You are feeling completely overwhelmed with your garden and ALLLLLLL the things that need doing out there.

  • ✅ You keep buying books to help you sort it out, but they languish on your bedside table unread and taunting you.

  • ✅ You’ve tried looking after the plants currently in the garden but you don’t know what you’re doing, so some have died and the rest are not looking healthy!

  • ✅ You go to the garden centre but you don’t know what will grow and look good in your garden so you just end up feeling more overwhelmed.

  • ✅ You plant random plants in the ground and cross your fingers that they’ll grow. But when they struggle you feel sad and immediately blame yourself.

  • ✅ You tell yourself and others that you kill everything you try to grow.

  • ✅ You’re craving a plan and someone to support you as you create a garden that sets your heart on fire.

This is not for you if:

  • ❌ You want someone to do your garden for you.

  • ❌ You know exactly what you want your garden to look like and you're confident you've got the creativity and knowledge to make it happen.

  • ❌ You're happy winging it, you've got loads of time and money to waste.

  • ❌ You have a clear plan to get your garden looking gorgeous and you've got the gardening skills and knowledge to make it happen.

  • ❌ You like feeling overwhelmed and stressed about the state of your garden and you don't want someone to guide and support you to make your dream garden a reality.

  • ❌ You don't want a garden that will help you feel more balanced and peaceful.

How it works:

🌱 We'll come together once a month for an hour on zoom and decide on our focus for the month from one of my 3 pillars (Plan, Create, Care) depending on what your priorities are for your garden.

🌱 During our sessions and time working together we will:

  • PLAN- We’ll create a PLAN based around your goals, your time, your space so that no money is wasted and you always know what to do with each pocket of time you have to get a joyful result.

  • CREATE- We’ll decide where the right place is to put plants in your garden, what to plant and when to put it in and how to look after it. So that you don’t waste any money, only bringing in plants to get you closer to your goal

  • CARE- Ongoing seasonal support so that you always know the key task for that season, what needs to happen when and you’ve always got me there to support you with any questions that come up as we move into different stages.

🌱 In between sessions you'll have Voxer support from me (like WhatsApp) so you can ask any questions that pop up for you as you take action on the agreed simple steps that we’ve outlined for that month to grow your garden without the overwhelm.

Choose a pricing option 

12 Months

To Plan, Create and Care for your garden

Pay in Full


12 Months

To Plan, Create and Care for your garden

12 monthly payments of


“I now have a garden to be proud of thanks to Kendall's garden magic.

“Before working with Kendall, I had become overwhelmed not only by the space but by how to look after all the pots of plants and flowers that were growing in my garden. Kendall's expert knowledge and understanding of how much time I have to garden, has helped me to create a garden action plan which feels realistic for my life-style.”

— Louisa, Business owner and Step Mum to 1

Frequently Asked Questions

This sounds amazing when can I start?

Tomorrow? Ha but seriously, I want to get you falling in love with your garden as soon as possible. Once you’ve chosen your payment option (above) you’ll be sent a link to book into my calendar.

Is this suitable for a total gardening beginner?

Absolutely! Our time together will be completely tailored to you and your garden. We’ll be creating a bespoke outline of our time together in our first session so you’ll always know where we are at and where we are heading.

There’s loads of free videos on Youtube, can’t I just use them?

You’re right there are, so many that it’s actually overwhelming to know which ones are giving good advice. 

Plus even if you do happen upon a goody, the advice won’t be specific to your garden and can land you in all sorts of a pickle.

Our monthly sessions and in-between support on Voxer will ensure you are making the right choices for your space.

Plus there’s that wondrous little thing called accountability that we all need to keep us focused on our goals!

Why wouldn't I just pay someone else to design and create my mindful garden for for me?

You could absolutely do that. However, with the average cost of garden design being between £8-10k for a small garden project (before the cost of plants), working with me is more affordable. Plus you'll get all the benefits I wrote about in this blog.

I can’t afford it

I get it spending money on yourself and your health and wellbeing feels scary. But how much longer are you going to keep putting yourself at the bottom of the list? Is feeling good and living a life that is full of joy not a priority right now?  I do offer payment by instalments so lets chat about how we can make it work for you.

Can I pay you by the hour?

That’s not how I work.  This package is designed to get you the result you desire, your dream garden. One that makes your heart sing every time you step out into it.

Do we need to work together for a whole year?

Despite what you might think, gardening can be done all year round and actually should be to spread the load and reduce gardeners overwhelm in Spring!

Plus a beautiful homegrown garden is not something you can get on next day delivery from Amazon. It takes time to create a garden that sets your heart on fire.

And for these reasons I recommend supporting you through a full growing season (12 months).

I’m really busy, how much time commitment is required?

I hear you.  I’ve designed this especially for busy professional women, so there’s no long training, videos to watch, books to read or workbooks to complete.  Outside of our sessions together I recommend spending 10 minutes a day in the garden, we‘ll discuss what you’ll be doing to bring your dream garden to fruition and how to find the time to make this happen during our sessions. Plus you’ll have your step by step action plan to refer to and access to me on Voxer to keep you on track.

You know you need some help with you garden and you know i'm the gal to help, so what happens next?

Send me a DM or fill in the contact form on my website and let me know, where your garden is at (No matter how scary- I will never judge you) and where you want it to be (don't hold back- I wanna know all your garden related desires)!

It's really important to me that every client I have feels really nurtured and well looked after and gets that top notch level of service. For that reason I aim to get back to you within 24-48hrs, but please know that if i'm able to get back to you sooner, I absolutely will!

I'll ask you a couple of questions to help determine which of my packages is most suitable for you and then send you my thoughts.

Once you've decided it's a HELL YES to working with me, i'll send you a payment link and then a link to book in your first session.

It really is that simple!

More questions?  

Book a free 15 minute call and let’s chat about where your garden’s at, where you want it to be and how I can help you get there.